I have included a generic slackpkgplus.conf file
set to update from my GNOME repositories.
Here is the
slackpkgplus.conf if you choose this to manage your
GNOME DE. This file gets downloaded to /etc/slackpkg as the root user.
If you plan on using slackpkg+ you will need to set the
PKGS_PRIORITY=( gnome ) to gnome
so that any packages in this repository do not get overwritten by
Slackware's packages. Granted there is only 1 to 3 packages that would
get overwritten. Those packages would be: gjs, gtk4,and pango or
libsoup3 ( if it is included within the repositories .)
You will need to edit this file and uncomment out
which version of GNOME you would like on your system.
After uncommenting out which version you would
like please follow these commands.
If you choose to install packages manually,
without slackpkg+, that’s always an option, but keep in mind many of these
packages are included in Slackware already, but we are going to be
updating them. To that end you’ll need to ensure when installing them, you
use “upgradepkg –install-new *.txz” or “upgradepkg –reinstall
–install-new *.txz” on your package directory.
After choosing to either use slackpkg+ or to
download all packages and use “
upgradepkg –reinstall –install-new *.txz”
there will be a need to edit the rc scripts. The avahi package needs it’s
rc scripts started locally upon boot, but you’ll need to add them to your
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon start
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd start
and also in
/etc/rc.d/rc.local.shutdown: (if one doesn’t
exist, you will need to create it)
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon stop
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd stop
Ensure all four of those files are
chmod +x as well so
the daemon starts upon boot.
In order for GNOME to run using X11 or Wayland, it must be loaded through
gdm. You can boot to a console and run “
telinit 4” as
root to start gdm after booting or edit
/etc/inittab and
change the run level from 3 to 4, and upon your next boot, gdm will load
The only other bit of work required is adding a status bar to GNOME. After
your first login to the session, open the
application and enable the
appIndicator status bar. If
you do this fast enough the first login, the
HP Printer Agent
should load and be visible in your title bar. If you manage to do it after
you get an error message and close it, have no fear, it will start on your
next session.
That should be enough to get you going with GNOME on Slackware.