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start [2023/06/24 22:32] naterstart [2023/12/08 01:55] (current) nater
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-                                 Welcome to the Slackware Projects Wiki.+==  Repo Usage/Installation  == 
 +To use these packages, it’s recommended you install slackpkg+ to manage 3rd party Slackware repositories on your systems. slackpkg+ has no arch requirements, as it’s all script based, so all systems can install and use it. Our packages are all signed with our GPG Key's and slackpkg+ will check and verify that for you during installs/updates.
-Here you can add in anything todo with the Installation of GNOME to help other user'install and configure the DE on Slackware 15 or Slackware Current.+I have included a generic slackpkgplus.conf file set to update from my GNOME repositories. 
 +Here is the slackpkgplus.conf if you choose this to manage your GNOME DE. This file gets downloaded to /etc/slackpkg as the root user
 +If you plan on using slackpkg+ you will need to set the PKGS_PRIORITY=( **gnome** ) to gnome so that any packages in this repository do not get overwritten by Slackware'packages. Granted there is only 1 to 3 packages that would get overwritten. Those packages would be: gjs, gtk4,and pango ( if it is included within the repositories .
-Many thanks to Jay (jloc0) for the GNOME LiveSlack and my fellow GNOME teammates – Bob F(0xBOBF), Frank (snuk) and Rizitis who inspired Jay to work on the GNOME LiveSlack.+ This is slackpkg+
-== N4t3R'S Gnome 44.2 Repository with Variable Refresh Rate or ( VRR ) == +  This file is a generic config file for slackpkg+
-Thank's to the great work of Dor Askayo we now have the updated and rebased patch's for VRR support in Gnome 44I have included the link's to Mutter and Gnome Control Center due to them overwriting files on the main packages+
-  * +   # PKGS_PRIORITY=( gnome ) You will need to put gnome in PKGS_PRIORITY  
-  *   # so that gnome libraries get upgraded over Slackware'
 +   # this will allow Gnome to stay updatedAnd upgrade Slackware's Gnome System Libraries as well.
-These two packages combined with the rest of Gnome 44 allow for a great Gaming Experience+    # use this to keep the GNOME packages updated to the latest stable release for 43.x 
-{{:wiki:image.png?400|}}{{:wiki:c0a33f9f-b7a9-4dae-b144-1b257b0080ea.png?400|}}+    # This is for Slackware-Current Only 
 +    #MIRRORPLUS['gnome']= 
 +    #MIRRORPLUS['gcs43']=
-== N4t3R'S Gnome 45.alpha Repository is being built for Slackware Current == +    # use this to keep the GNOME packages updated to the latest stable release for 44.
-This repository is in the beginning stages of development, unless you want bleeding edge software  +    # This is for Slackware-Current Only 
-please stay with either 43 or 44 stable release's on Slackware-Current. +    #MIRRORPLUS['gnome']= 
-**Again Gnome 45 is not complete.**+     
 +    # use this to keep the GNOME packages updated to the latest stable release for 45.x 
 +    # This is for Slackware-Current Only 
 +    #MIRRORPLUS['gnome']=
-== N4t3R'S Gnome 44.0 Repository Released for Slackware Current == +You will need to edit this file and uncomment out which version of GNOME you would like on your system
-** Gnome 44.0 has offically been released for Slackware Current. You can either upgrade or direct install from the following weblink.**+After uncommenting out which version you would like please follow these commands.
-**Here is some interesting facts about Gnome 44** +    slackpkg update gpg 
-  * During the development phase of Gnome 44 GTK3 components have been removed in favor of GTK4 and libadwaita +    slackpkg update 
-  * Soup3 is being more used and Soup2 components are being removed as well +    slackpkg install gnome 
-  * libdex has also been added as a new dep for Gnome Builder +    slackpkg upgrade-all
-  * Another new program has been added D-Spy (a D-Bus explorer for GNOME) +
-  * EOG and EOG Plugins are being phased out in favor of the replacement loupe which is in Incubation right now and is 44.alpha +
-  * Cheese is also being phased out in favor of snapshot which is still in the development stages +
-  * **Both of the new programs have been added to the 44.x repository and will be updated when current code is released.**+
-And always if you have slackpkg+ installed **slackpkg update ; slackpkg install gnome ; slackpkg upgrade-all** to keep upto date with all the changes.+or
-If you are installing Gnome 44.beta/rc manually @r-tz has created a package management tool to help you installupgrade and uninstall Gnome from you computer.    slackpkg update gpg 
 +    slackpkg update 
 +    slackpkg install gc43 
 +    slackpkg upgrade-all
-{{:wiki:screenshot_from_2023-06-06_22-29-14.png?400|}}{{:wiki:screenshot_from_2023-06-06_22-27-31.png?400|}} +If you choose to install packages manually, without slackpkg+, that’s always an option, but keep in mind many of these packages are included in Slackware already, but we are going to be updating themTo that end you’ll need to ensure when installing them, you use “upgradepkg –install-new *.txz” or “upgradepkg –reinstall –install-new *.txz” on your package directory.
-== N4t3R'S Gnome 44.alpha Repository Released for Slackware Current == +
- **Gnome 44.alpha has offically been released for Slackware Current. You can either upgrade or direct install from the following weblink**+
-**Here are some of the interesting upgrades in Gnome 44:** +After choosing to either use slackpkg+ or to download all packages and use “upgradepkg –reinstall –install-new *.txz” there will be a need to edit the rc scripts. The avahi package needs it’s rc scripts started locally upon boot, but you’ll need to add them to your **/etc/rc.d/rc.local**:
-  * webkit2gtk6.0 version 2.39.7 +
-  gtk4 4.9.3 bringing a full and complete GTK4 environment to Gnome 44 +
-  glib components 2.75.x +
-  * libsoup3 3.3.0+
-And always if you have slackpkg+ installed **slackpkg update slackpkg install gnome ; slackpkg upgrade-all** to keep upto date with all the changes.+    #Start avahidaemon 
 +    if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon ]then 
 +    /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon start 
 +    fi 
 +    #Start avahidnsconfd 
 +    if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd ]; then 
 +    /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd start 
 +    fi 
 +and also in **/etc/rc.d/rc.local.shutdown**: (if one doesn’t exist, you will need to create it)
-If you are installing Gnome 44.alpha manually @r-tz has created a package management tool to help you install, upgrade and uninstall Gnome from you computer. +    #Stop avahidaemon 
-   +    if [ -/etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon ]; then 
-== N4t3R'S Gnome 44.alpha Repository == +    /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon stop 
- **Gnome 44.alpha has been released if you choose to upgrade to this developmental release please make sure that you install Gnome 43.2 before upgrading to Gnome 44.alpha, if you fail to install Gnome 43.2 first you will have a broken system.**+    fi
-Gnome 44.alpha is not yet completed and is not based on Slackware-Current with out the underlying programs that are in Gnome 43.2.+    #Stop avahidnsconfd 
 +    if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd ]; then 
 +    /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd stop 
 +    fi
-**Here are some of the interesting upgrades in Gnome 44:** +Ensure all four of those files are chmod +x as well so the daemon starts upon boot.
-  * webkit2gtk6.0 Taking internet security to the next level +
-  * GTK-4.9.2 bringing a full and complete GTK4 environment to Gnome 44 +
-  * The continuation of libsoup3 +
-As always **slackpkg update ; slackpkg install gnome ; slackpkg upgrade-all** to keep upto date with all the changes.+
-== N4t3R'S Gnome 43.x Repository Update == +In order for GNOME to run using X11 or Wayland, it must be loaded through gdmYou can boot to a console and run “telinit 4” as root to start gdm after booting or edit /etc/inittab and change the run level from 3 to 4, and upon your next boot, gdm will load automatically.
-//**Gnome 43.2 has been rebased on Slackware-Current as of today:**//+
-**//All user's are urged to update to this release://**+The only other bit of work required is adding a status bar to GNOME. After your first login to the session, open the Extensions application and enable the appIndicator status bar. If you do this fast enough the first login, the HP Printer Agent should load and be visible in your title bar. If you manage to do it after you get an error message and close it, have no fear, it will start on your next session.
-If you use slackpkg+: +That should be enough to get you going with GNOME on Slackware.
-** +
-//slackpkg update slackpkg install gnome slackpkg upgrade-all//** +
-Otherwise there is a handy script that my friend r-tz has shared to keep his system's upto date with Gnome.+
- Setting default language/time zone ==
-== Slackpkg and 3rd Party Repositories == +Slackware by default ships/enables the en_US.UTF8 localeWhile booting the liveslak, the extlinux boot menu gives you the option to change the locale and time zone to your preferenceThose settings will persist until shutdown of the system.
- +
-Please check this link out for a better understanding of 3rd Party repositories.+
-== Live Slack == +If you choose to install the liveslak system, you will have to set the locale properly for it to persist locally each bootEdit ‘/etc/profile.d/” to set your desired locale, or you can optionally add the flags to your user “.profile” within your home directory to have a system locale of one language and your user use another.
-Jay (@jloc0) has brought us with the best gift this Holiday Season a brand new LiveSlack: version 20221227 click on his website and check it out. +
-'s GNOME LiveSlack)+
-== Rsync Server: ==+Setup “/etc/ntp.conf” so your network-enabled system reaches out to a ntp server to sync time accordingly. I’ve heard of some issues with GNOME showing time that is wrong, so verify Slackware and the gnome-control-center aren’t fighting each other for setting time. The easiest way is to let the network do it, but you may have reason to not use a network. Setting the date manually can be done with the “date” command on the cli, where you can specify your time zone, as well as use UTC time if you wish on your system. 
 +That should be enough to get one going with GNOME on Slackware. 
 +== Updating an existing GNOME Installation: == 
 +To update an existing system from @N4teR properly, please run these commands as root: 
 +    slackpkg update gpg 
 +    slackpkg update 
 +    slackpkg install gnome 
 +    slackpkg upgrade-all 
 +If you are updating GNOME LiveSlack from @jloc0 
 +To update an existing system properly, please run these commands as root: 
 +    slackpkg update gpg 
 +    slackpkg update 
 +    slackpkg install gcs 
 +    slackpkg upgrade-all 
 +This will ensure you pick up any newly added packages and update the GNOME DE as well. I will provide new packages as well for new users, existing ones should be good to go with the above commands. 
 +== Gnome Boxes 42.x and 43.x == 
 +If you are installing Gnome Box's for either 42 or 43 you will need to make sure that you include the below commands in **/etc/rc.d/rc.local** and in **/etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown** 
 +   #Start libvirt daemon 
 +   if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.libvirt ]; then 
 +   /etc/rc.d/rc.libvirt start 
 +   fi 
 +   #Stop libvirt daemon 
 +   if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.libvirt ]; then 
 +   /etc/rc.d/rc.libvirt stop 
 +   fi 
 +**__The required packages for Gnome Box's is as followed:__** 
 +  * osinfo-db-tools 
 +  * osinfo-db 
 +  * libosinfo 
 +  * yajl 
 +  * numactl 
 +  * libvirt 
 +  * libvirt-glib 
 +  * libvirt-python 
 +  * gtk-vnc 
 +  * spice-protocol 
 +  * spice 
 +  * usbredir 
 +  * spice-gtk 
 +  * device-tree-compiler 
 +  * libnfs 
 +  * snappy 
 +  * vde2 
 +  * virglrenderer 
 +  * libslirp 
 +  * qemu 
 +  * virt-manager 
 +  * libcacard 
 +  * phodav 
 +  * libovf-glib 
 +  * gnome-boxes 
 +Please make sure you install vte, libnma, networkmanager-openvpn and ibus-gtk4 from Slackware these 4 packages will work side by side with the original's. 
 +We build libnma, vte, networkmanager-openvpn and ibus with the gtk4 hooks when the Slackbuild is done it will produce libnma-gtk4, vte-gtk4, networkmanager-openvpn-gtk4 and ibus-gtk4 
 +#These 2 packages are the work of @jloc0 (Jay) libnma-gtk4 and vte-gtk4 
 +#I worked on the Networkmanager-openvpn-gtk4 package (1-1-2023) Due to needing my VPN Server 
 +# Remove all extra bits included in the base libnma package 
 +# This package is _ONLY_ for the gtk4 lib 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/doc 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/include 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/share/glib-2.0 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/share/gtk-doc 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/share/locale 
 +  * rm -f $PKG/usr/share/vala/vapi/libnma.deps 
 +  * rm -f $PKG/usr/share/vala/vapi/libnma.vapi 
 +  * rm -f $PKG/usr/share/gir-1.0/NMA-1.0.gir`` 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/girepository-1.0/NMA-1.0.typelib 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pkgconfig/libnma.pc 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/ 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/ 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/ 
 +# Remove all other files from created package, as we only need to ship the gtk4 
 +# libraries that are missing from Slackware's official package 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/etc 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/bin/vte-2.91 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/include/vte-2.91 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/girepository-1.0/Vte-2.91.typelib 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pkgconfig/vte-2.91.pc 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/libexec 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/* 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/share/gir-1.0/Vte-2.91.gir 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/share/glade 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/share/locale 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/share/vala/vapi/vte-2.91.deps 
 +  * rm $PKG/usr/share/vala/vapi/vte-2.91.vapi 
 +# Remove all extra bits included in the base Networkmanager-openvpn package 
 +# This package is _ONLY_ for the gtk4 lib 
 +  * rm -fr $PKG/usr/share 
 +  * rm -fr $PKG/usr/lib 
 +  * rm -fr $PKG/usr/libexec 
 +  * rm -fr $PKG/usr/lib64/NetworkManager/libnm-vpn-plugin-openvpn* 
 +# Remove all extra bits included in the base ibus package 
 +# This package is _ONLY_ for the gtk4 lib 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/etc/ 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/{doc,bin,include,share,man,libexec}/ 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/python{2.7,3.9}/ 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/ 
 +  * rm -f $PKG/usr/lib64/libibus*.{la,so}* 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/gtk-{2.0,3.0}/ 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/gtk-4.0/4.0.0/immodules/*.la 
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/girepository-1.0/ 
 +== Thanks  == 
 +Hey, thanks found this on LQ today -- Luna bittin Jernberg (GNOME Foundation Member and Slackware current user since some weeks)
- has switched to using a rsync server for slackbuilds. When you run the file that you rename from build-gnome.txt each Slackbuild will download there tarball from the main website that they are found at. This will reduce the amount of strain on my server to allow for max capacity and to allow for greater threw put.  
-The server address is rsync:// this is just a trial run to see how it holds up. 
start.1687645952.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/24 22:32 by nater