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start [2023/11/10 18:54] naterstart [2023/12/08 01:55] (current) nater
Line 139: Line 139:
   * vde2   * vde2
   * virglrenderer   * virglrenderer
 +  * libslirp
   * qemu   * qemu
   * virt-manager   * virt-manager
Line 148: Line 149:
-Please make sure you install vte and libnma and networkmanager-openvpn from Slackware these packages will work side by side with the original's.+Please make sure you install vtelibnmanetworkmanager-openvpn and ibus-gtk4 from Slackware these packages will work side by side with the original's.
-We build libnma, vte and networkmanager-openvpn with the gtk4 hooks when the Slackbuild is done it will produce libnma-gtk4, vte-gtk4 and networkmanager-openvpn-gtk4+We build libnma, vtenetworkmanager-openvpn and ibus with the gtk4 hooks when the Slackbuild is done it will produce libnma-gtk4, vte-gtk4networkmanager-openvpn-gtk4 and ibus-gtk4
 #These 2 packages are the work of @jloc0 (Jay) libnma-gtk4 and vte-gtk4 #These 2 packages are the work of @jloc0 (Jay) libnma-gtk4 and vte-gtk4
 #I worked on the Networkmanager-openvpn-gtk4 package (1-1-2023) Due to needing my VPN Server #I worked on the Networkmanager-openvpn-gtk4 package (1-1-2023) Due to needing my VPN Server
Line 196: Line 197:
   * rm -fr $PKG/usr/lib64/NetworkManager/libnm-vpn-plugin-openvpn*   * rm -fr $PKG/usr/lib64/NetworkManager/libnm-vpn-plugin-openvpn*
 +# Remove all extra bits included in the base ibus package
 +# This package is _ONLY_ for the gtk4 lib
 +  * rm -r $PKG/etc/
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/{doc,bin,include,share,man,libexec}/
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/python{2.7,3.9}/
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/
 +  * rm -f $PKG/usr/lib64/libibus*.{la,so}*
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/gtk-{2.0,3.0}/
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/gtk-4.0/4.0.0/immodules/*.la
 +  * rm -r $PKG/usr/lib64/girepository-1.0/
 == Thanks  == == Thanks  ==
start.1699642465.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/10 18:54 by nater