If you would like to download the complete repository and have it localized here is a script just for that: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rizitis/reddog-bin-repo/main/reddog-bin-repo.sh This script was made by a good friend of mine Rizitis, he created this script so that he can keep his local repository up to date and shared it so that if anyone would need to just keep a local branch, this will do it and it will allow you to keep your local branch current as well. Now there are multiple 3rd party package manager's for Slackware. Some of them require you to blacklist certain packages and some do not. If you by chance do use another 3rd party package manager, you will most likely need to blacklist packages so that Slackware doesn't overwrite them or remove them when you do a **slackpkg clean-system** command. Me I would prefer to use slackpkg+ as an add on to slackpkg just because you can prioritize where the packages come from and that will allow you to keep up with updates and additions to the repository. There is also slpkg which from my understanding you will need to blacklist packages so in order to blacklist you will need to know the __TAG__ extension of the packages. For the purpose of this writing and the Gnome repository we will blacklist these packages so that Slackware doesn't overwrite them. * gjs *This one we will have to make sure is the one from the repository because Slackware has not updated it yet in the main Branch * gtk4 ( If it is included with in the repository ) * pango ( Same as gtk4 only if it is included in the repository ) * upower *This one we will have to make sure is the one from the repository because Slackware has not updated it yet in the main Branch * libsoup3 *This one we will have to make sure is the one from the repository because Slackware has not updated it yet in the main Branch With these packages blacklisted we can now run Gnome either 42.7 or 43.2. Now there is always the option to install direct with out ever needing to use a 3rd party addon for Slackware. If you by chance do it this way you will need to blacklist all of the packages because they will show up in **//slackpkg clean-system//**. So for that you will need to use this in your blacklist. * [0-9]+_SBo * [0-9]+alien * [0-9]+_gfs * gjs *This one will have to be blacklisted if you are installing manually * upower *This one will have to be blacklisted if you are installing manually * libsoup3 *This one will have to be blacklisted if you are installing manually # **There can be other packages that will need to be blacklisted if they are included within the repository. And Slackware hasn't upgraded to there respected version number.** # **This can be used to add a certain package or repository to the blacklist. Blacklisted packages or repositories then get disregarded by slackpkg.** # //**__Now remember if you do not use a 3rd party addon to slackpkg you will have to do all updates by hand.__**//